Coral Recruitment in Pujada Bay

We are thrilled to share some fantastic news: just five months after the installation, our rrreef structures in Pujada Bay, the Philippines, are already home to coral recruits!


During the latest monitoring, our team was excited to find numerous baby corals on our artificial reef structure. The presence of these coral recruits, especially at such an early stage, is an important milestone for rrreefs and an encouraging sign that our innovative approach is working.


why this discovery matters

Coral recruitment is one of the best indicators that our artificial reefs are achieving their intended function. These young corals settled within weeks after the installation, showing that our bricks offer a suitable substrate to attach and grow.


the monitoring process

Our team used a combination of visual and photographic techniques to monitor the rrreef. The findings were astonishing: many of our rrreef bricks had multiple coral recruits, some already large enough to be seen with the naked eye.



This early success demonstrates the potential of our artificial reefs to support marine biodiversity and contribute to the restoration of coral ecosystems. We are excited to see how these corals develop.