July 2021 - rrreefs

SEIF was founded in 2011 with the goal of professionalizing the social entrepreneurship sector and giving impact startups the support they need to grow and scale successfully.


In addition to various services around impact management, SEIF and its partners UBS, PwC Switzerland, and Julius Bär launched the SEIF Tech for Impact Awards. All impact entrepreneurs that develop or use innovative products and technologies to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals are eligible to apply. Being part of it raises international reputation for impact entrepreneurs and helps them networking with like-minded people.


RRReefs successfully applied for this year’s SEIF Tech for Impact Awards. Out of 336 applicants, rrreefs made it to the 10 finalists and was given the opportunity to pitch in Zürich on the 10th of June.


rrreefs impressed the experienced Jury and won as the only finalist two Awards. First of all, with 51% votes, the SEIF Tech for Impact Audience Award went to rrreefs, mirroring the passion and dedication with which the team spread their vision. Finally, the SEIF Future Impact Trend Award – sponsored by Julius Bär – went to rrreefs as well. The Jury had identified several UN Sustainable Development Goals covered by rrreefs innovation and technology, showing that it has a high future potential.


You can find more about the SEIF Award right here.